赤羽チェスクラブ 交流戦

赤羽チェスクラブ 交流戦ラピッド大会のご案内

会場:北とぴあ 住所:東京都北区王子1丁目11−1(JR 王子駅より徒歩2分)
競技方式:国内ラピッド スイス式4回戦20分+10秒(一手毎加算)
参加費:2000 円(大学院生以下 1000 円)(会場にて支払い)



10:40-11:00 説明開会
1R 11:00-12:20
2R 13:20-14:40
3R 14:50-16:10
4R 16:20-17:40
スケジュール組合せの決定は 当日

(1) Buchholz Cut-1(最低得点の対戦相手を除く全ての対戦相手のポイント合計)
(2) Buchholz (全対戦相手のポイント合計)
(3) Sonneborn-Berger (勝った相手のポイントとドローだった相手の半分のポイントの合計)
(4) Sum of the ratings of the opponents (対戦相手のレーティングの合計)
(5) くじ


事前Bye:Bye(不戦)の申告は大会前日18:00まで受け付ける。akabanechessclub☆gmail.com (☆を@に変換)にメール連絡のこと。事前申告Byeは0.5ポイント、期限以降の申告Byeは0ポイントとするが、最終2ラウンドの申告Byeは全て0ポイントとする。





本大会の結果は報告のためインターネット上(chess-results.com)に公開される。 また、棋譜についてもインターネット上に公開される可能性がある。 参加者は氏名、結果及び棋譜の公開に同意しているものとする。




コロナウイルス感染拡大など予測不能な理由により、やむを得ず持ち時間の変更、及び大会開催中止などの場合がある。大会への参加をキャンセルする場合は、akabanechessclub☆gmail.com (☆を@に変換)にメール連絡のこと。

COVID-19 ガイドライン4訂版を厳守すること。

主審 山口 桃生

Akabanechessclub Friendly Match


Date : Suturday, July6th
Venue: : Hokutopia 8F 2minits from JR’Oji station
Format: 20min+10sec/move, 4 Rounds, Swiss, JCF Rapid rated
Entry criteria: There are no specific participation requirements for this event, which is a change from the first edition. For this time around, we’ve made it possible for non-members of the Japan Chess Federation to participate. However, matches between Japan Chess Federation members will be treated as official rapid games as a rule.
Entry fee:2000yen. 1000yen(below university)(pay by the venue)
Registration: (Only – 20pots)


Entries are accepted: Between Friday, July 5

Playing schedule

Check-in 10:00-10:40
Opening Ceremony 10:40-11:00 
1R 11:00-12:20
Lunch Time 12:20-13:20
2R 13:20-14:40
3R 14:50-16:10
4R 16:20-17:40

Tournament rules

Tie-breaks: 1. Buchholz Cut-1, 2. Buchholz, 3. Sonneborn-Berger, 4. Sum of the ratings of the opponents, 5. Drawing of lots.
Default time:  If any player is not present within 10 min after the game started, she/he shall lose the game by default. The game is not rated.
Pre-registered byes: 0.5 point bye requests will be accepted until 18:00, the day before the tournament.  However, 0 points are given for the last two rounds and if the bye requests were made after 18:00 the day before the tournament. Pairing-allocated bye will be 1 point.  If a player has more than 1 requested byes, the player will not qualify for prizes. (akabanechessclub☆gmail.com) ☆→@
・Pairings of the first round will be published at 20:00 the day before the tournament.
・The organizer will provide chess equipment including clocks and score sheets. Players must use them.
Players need NOT record all moves. Once the game is finished, both players sign both score sheets and hand over the original score sheets to the arbiters. Make sure the results are correct before signing.
・All electronic devices including smartphones, tablets and/or smartwatches must be turned off and stored away. Players are not allowed to keep it on him/her or take it outside of the venue in a bag. When a player breaks these rules, his/her game shall be immediately lost. It is forbidden for anybody to use a mobile phone or any kind of communication device in the playing venue.
・The pairings will be done according to the JCF rapid rating. If there are 2 players with the same rating, the alphabetical order of the players will be used.
・The tournament will follow FIDE rules unless otherwise stated above. (2nd illegal move – loss of the game. Pressing the clock by mistake or pressing it with the other hand which touched the pieces will also be judged as an illegal move.)

Media related rules

・The results of this tournament will be posted on the Internet (chess-results.com) for reporting purposes. The game record may also be published on the Internet. Participants agree to the publication of their real names, results, and game records.
・Observers are allowed to take photos for the first 10 minutes of each game, including the use of a mobile but after 10 minutes, all mobiles have to be put away by the observers and they are not allowed to use them in the playing room. Exception for people with a special permission.
・Individuals who wish to use photos or videos of participants (during games, award ceremonies, etc.) must be careful to protect their privacy. In addition to obtaining comprehensive consent in advance, for example, in the case of minors, the permission of their guardians must be obtained, and due consideration must be given to the protection of personal information and portrait rights.
・The organizer will take photos, record videos, and broadcast live coverage of the event. These may be published and used in media such as websites, SNS, video sites, and journals managed by Akabane Chess Club. Participants shall agree to the publication and live broadcast of these photos and videos.

COVID-19 Guidelines

All players have to follow the COVID-19 Guidelines 4th Edition

Other rules

・The organizer reserves the right for changing the above conditions in case of reasonable cases before the first round begins.
・Due to the nature of the venue, there may be unavoidable changes to the duration of the event, or the event may be canceled.
・There is no refund on entry fees.
・Akabane Chess Club cannot be held responsible for any problems that occur between individuals.

写真 Pictures